Photo by Anastasia - A jar (pythari) where wine used to be kept.
The art of pottery-making was developed in Cyprus since prehistoric times. It was one of the most creative fields of ancient Cypriot art with potters of the time leaving us with a heritage of significant work which are the envy of even the best modern artists of this kind.The revealing of pottery during excavations from ancient times is the primary means through which we are assisted in indicating the periods of human mental development and progress. The fame of the pottery and pitharia (jars) of old Cyprus reached Europe as early as 1934. As Gloria London quotes in her book “Traditional Pottery of Cyprus” one traveler of that period wrote that “sweet wine was kept in big pitharia because they did not have any cracks in them.” Elsewhere in the same book, Ms London says that Giovani Mariti, an Italian priest, traveled to Cyprus in 1772 to learn the technique of pithari-making and storing of wine. During the medieval period pottery flourished in Cyprus. Glazed pots were created not only for the local market but also for the neighboring countries of the Middle East.
via Embassy of Cyprus in Washington D.C.
Amazing art! I remember I had bought some clay pots before leaving Cyprus and brought them home to decorate my appartment. My favourite is a carafe which I use to serve white wine or water. But I didn't know wine was kept in the big jars!
Posted by: Alexia M | October 05, 2010 at 12:22 PM
Makes me wish I could come over and dig for old pottery at an excavation site there : ) Great post!
Posted by: Tipper | October 05, 2010 at 01:49 PM
Glad that you post such subjects on the net to let the world know that this part of the world got the oldest history Phoenicians .Specially it gave the world the numbers and the name to EUROPA. We still keep all the Home made wine , olive oil and the Arak(OUZO) in clay keep it away from light and humidity.God Bless.
With all my LOve Walid.
To you Alixa Hello.
If you put water in the Jug just keep it outside over night or f you put it day time in a breath way. you will drink the best cold water ever .Cause evaporation is a process of cooling.God Bless.
Posted by: walid1949 | October 05, 2010 at 03:54 PM
I love the jar in your photo. I have 3 similar ones which I use them to grow plants and flowers. I happen to know the man on the video - he is a great potter.
Posted by: Stefania | October 05, 2010 at 07:03 PM
When I was little, I used to spend a part of my summer holidays at my grandmother's cottage in the mountains (Platres). She didn't have a refrigerator, then, and water was served in clay carafes. Funnily enough and despite the summer heat, water was always fresh and cold.
Posted by: Anastasia | October 05, 2010 at 08:05 PM
Excavations cast light on the art of old pottery in Cyprus since pre-historic times. Old jars and other ancient clay pots are the property of our Archaeological Museums but I'm glad there are talented potters who can reproduce to some extent this ancient art and make their artwork available to everyone.
Posted by: Anastasia | October 05, 2010 at 08:25 PM
I'm so glad to hear that you still preserve old traditions in Lebanon. I tried Arak once at a Lebanese restaurant in Nicosia. It was a bit strong for me but I loved the taste. Yes, it's a bit like ouzo. A bit stronger I think! :-) In most villages of Cyprus, olive oil and homemade wine are still stored in clay jugs or "pytharia". The best wine I've ever tasted was the one I had out of an old jar (pythari) at the village of Omodos.
Posted by: Anastasia | October 05, 2010 at 08:38 PM
I've seen them and loved them!! They're a real jewel in your garden - especially the one with the jasmin!
Posted by: Anastasia | October 05, 2010 at 08:41 PM
Believe it or not. I served white wine in my clay carafe from Cyprus and 3 hours later it was still pleasantly chilled despite of the central heating. All my friends wanted to know where I had got that carafe from!! :-)
Posted by: Alexia M | October 05, 2010 at 09:50 PM
Wow! Thank you, Walid, for this great tip. I will try it but in the winter temps in Amsterdam can go below -10 at night. I hope it doesn't turn to ice.
Posted by: Alexia M | October 05, 2010 at 09:53 PM
Very good and interesting post. Enjoy your weekend.
Posted by: Phivos Nicolaides | October 08, 2010 at 10:20 PM
I have seen similar pottery in Rhodes and Crete. It's beautiful! Loved the video!
Posted by: Karolina | October 10, 2010 at 01:25 PM